Sono stata un po' assente in questi giorni e non ho aggiornato il blog con i nuovi outfit ma rieccomi qui a proporvi un look indossato in una delle caldissime sere passate.
Un completo davvero low-cost! Pensate che canotta e gonna, entrambe Bershka, ho pagate circa 15€. Un vero affare! :) Cosa ne pensate di questi accostamenti di colore?
I was absent a bit in these days and I have not updated the blog with new outfits but now I am again to show you a look worn in one of the very warm evenings spent.
A really outfit low-cost! I paid tank top and skirt, both Bershka, about 15 €. What a deal! :) What do you think about these color combinations?
I was wearing:
Bershka - tank top and skirt
Fornarina - bag and flat
H&M - necklace and ring
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