Oggi ho optato per un abbigliamento pratico ma arricchito da dettagli delicati: maglia, ballerine e orecchini in pizzo, uncinetto e macramé. Tonalità chiare sul beige spezzate da pantaloncini in denim chiaro e accessori con richiami neri.
Last study day (perhaps) before the holiday with Adriana: lunch at her home, study in the library giving s a few breaks and a walk in the park near the university.
Today I opted for a pratical outfit but it's enriched with delicate details: tank top, ballet flat and earrings in lace, crochet and macramé. Light tonality on beige broken by light denim short and black accesories.
I was wearing:
Bershka - tank top, short and ballet flat
Fornarina - bag
Vintage belt and bracelets
Handmade earrings
Tiffany - bracelet
Pearl handmade bracelet
Chronotech watch
Adriana was wearing:
Desigual dress
Desigual dress
H-M - shoes
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