Indosso uno skinny leggero verde scuro, canotta e ballerine giallo ocra... in armonia con la pelle di vacchetta mielata della Neverfull. E per finire un piccolo tocco: degli orecchini a forma di fiore fluorescenti (per un bell'effetto di sera ^.^ ) che ho realizzato a mano. Cosa ne pensate di una delle mie creazioni (orecchini)?
Turning to the university, my "Darling" (Adriana) has scrutinized by far one of the colorful exterior stairs, in the photos to follow, the yellow one.
I wear a lightweight dark green skinny, ocher yellow tank top and ballet flats ... in harmony with the honeyed cowhide leather Neverfull. And finally a little touch: the flower-shaped fluorescent (for a nice evening ^. ^) handmade earrings. What do you think about one of my creation (earrings)?
I was wearing:
Conbipel - tank top
Oviesse - skinny
Bershka - flat
Louis Vuitton - bag
Handmade (by me) earrings
Rainbow <3 Arcobaleno <3 |
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